Using ETFs to Expand In-House Fixed Income Capabilities

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Many pension plans are increasing their internal capabilities, bringing some asset management in-house. In equities and in some real assets like real estate and infrastructure, they can execute fluidly.

The cash bond market presents different challenges. Trades may take several days to complete, there is little to no anonymity and spread costs may compromise investment objectives.

Our panelists will discuss how the ETF ecosystem can put bonds on the same execution footage as equities:

  • Execute large block trade in hours, not days;
  • NAV trades minimize trade costs;
  • Trade anonymity maintained.

Greg Walker, Director, ETF Capital Markets & Strategic Partnerships, BMO Exchange Traded Funds
Jimmy Karam, Director, ETF Trading, Capital Markets, BMO Capital Markets  

Mark Webster, Director, Institutional & Advisory, BMO Exchange Traded Funds

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