Consolidation Amid Complexity: How Asset Owners Are Scaling Up Inside and Out

Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Canadian asset owners continue to face rising challenges, including global economic uncertainty, rapidly shifting interest rates, a shifting legislative and regulatory environment, ever-growing expectations from stakeholders, and more. Asset owners in Canada and globally continue to consider a diversity of approaches for their investment and operating models, including a wide variance in how to allocate across in-house teams and outsourced providers. Scaling up can be particularly challenging amid change, with data, talent and market complexity accumulating as considering factors. Join us as we explore use cases to scale up, including asset-driven, geography driven, and talent-driven approaches among Canadian asset owners as they seek to capture opportunities, reduce risk and enhance return.

As plans seek to improve their outcomes, success factors include timely data, actionable investment advice, modernized investment operational models and access to proven expertise – including fiduciary guidance. 

This session will provide:

  • A summary of global and domestic trends asset owners are exploring for their investment and asset strategies.
  • A framework for investment management that leverages real-time data to drive critical decisions.
  • Practical examples of a holistic approach for achieving better outcomes, with clear accountability and direction.
  • Exploration of how a co-fiduciary can support enhanced pension governance. 
  • Relevant questions to support asset owners in their explorations.

Alistair Almeida, Segment Lead, Asset Owners, CIBC Mellon
Kendra Kaake, Director of Investment Strategy, SEI

Darlene Claes-McKinnon, Executive Director, Relationship Management, CIBC Mellon

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