Canadian experience to be prohibited in Ontario job listings

More scrutiny also promised for immigrant nominee training programs

Canadian experience to be prohibited in Ontario job listings

Continuing on a series of workplace-related promises this week, the Ontario government will soon restrict businesses from demanding job candidates have work experience in Canada before offering them jobs.

The new legislation will affect internationally-trained immigrants who hope to gain employment in the province.

“We need to ensure these people can land well-paying and rewarding careers that help tackle the labour shortage. For far too long, too many people arriving in Canada have been funnelled toward dead-end jobs they’re overqualified for,” says David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Earlier this week, the government said it will bring introduce new critical illness leave, mandate pay transparency in want ads, while outlawing NDAs for cases of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.

“By banning Canadian work experience requirements in job postings, Ontario is leading the country in breaking down barriers to make it easier for internationally-trained immigrants to find meaningful work and contribute to building Ontario. This change will help support families as they start their journey in their new homes, create more vibrant communities and help ensure businesses have the talent they need,” says Michael Ford, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism.

More immigrant students to be encouraged

The government also announced further changes to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) that will boost numbers in the system by revisiting qualifications for the hundreds of programs currently running.

Around 16,500 immigrants are expected to be nominated for citizenship this year, says the ministry and more than new 162,000 immigrants have come into Ontario so far this year. The province also said it will spend $100 million next year helping newcomers learn English or French, find jobs and get training and education.

Third-party organizations that assess qualifications for international students for professions that are regulated, such as accountants, architects and geoscientists will be examined again so the process ensures quick service, says the government.